
November 22, 2012


This will be my last blog post, I hope you have learned a bit about C# programming and the starters of how to do it.

Thanks for taking the time to read my blog, bye.


Small program example.

November 20, 2012

Hello, today I will show you how to display text in a message box.

Firstly, start a new project and call it hello world again.

Click on the Form in the middle and go to the properties of your form and change the text property to “Hello World”

Go to your toolbox and add a label to the form in the middle and change it’s text property to “Hello World”

Add a button and change it’s text property to “Display” and its Name property to “btnDisplay”.

Double click your button and in between this:




MessageBox.Show("Hello World");

After you have done that, click the run at the top of the program and click on your Display button, it should popup a message box 
displaying "Hello World"

You have created a small programd that sends the words "Hello World" to a messagebox!

Creating your first GUI

November 15, 2012

This post will show you how to create your first GUI (Graphical User Interface)

A Graphical User Interface is the part of the program the user sees, like buttons, text boxes and labels etc.

To start this, create a new project on Visual C# Express and you’ll see a box in the middle of the screen (if you done the Hello World! program from the last post you’ll know what this is.)

Inserting a Label – Use the toolbox on the left hand side of the screen and search for label. Click on label then click on the box in the middle, when you’ve done that click the label when it’s on the box and look to the bottom right corner of Visual C#. You will see properties, scroll down the properties look for the text property and it will say “Label1” you can click that and edit it to anything of your choice.

Insterting a Button – Using the toolbox again, scroll down the toolbox until you see the button tool, click on it then click on your form (box in the middle.) You can adjust the size of your of your button by going to the edge of it and using the squares on the corners to make it bigger. Again, you can go to the properties tool and change the text property to whatever you want the button to say.

Insterting a Textbox – Using the toolbox, select the textbox tool near the bottom and this time click the tool and drag it into your form to adjust the size of it. Textboxes are normally a blank property but if you want text in here such as “Enter here” you can edit the text property the same way you have edited the button text and the label.


If you’re going to use a label to display text you will need to change the name of the properly, to do this click on your label then scroll up the properties until you can see the name property which is usually ‘Label1’


Creating your first program “Hello World”

November 9, 2012

Here is a short video tutorial on how to create the “Hello World” starter program.

How to Begin Programming.

November 1, 2012

Hello, you are now ready to begin programming. To do this open the program I showed you how to install in my last post

Click here to go to the last post to install Visual C#

When you have installed the software, locate it in your programs folder or in the search option in the start menu and open it. Once you have opened it, look to the top left hand side of the software and you should see file, hit file then new project and chose Windows Form Application. Name your program in the project screen and go to OK.

You are now ready to begin your first program!

How to Download & Install Visual C#

November 1, 2012

Hello, I am now going to show you how to download the program and install it.

You will need to click HERE. Once you are on the page, scroll down until you can see Visual Studio 2010 Express, when you see that look a bit below and click on Visual C# 2010 Express. Select the language you want to install it in and click on install now.

Once you have downloaded the software, go to where you saved it and double click the file. Chose where you want the program to be installed to on your computer, agree the terms and conditions and continue to install it.

Once installed you can find the program by going into all programs or typing C# on the search bar.



Introduction to C#

October 11, 2012

Hello, my blog is about the Visual C# language. In this blog I will show you how to create a small program using basic things like adding buttons, adding labels, adding textboxes, renaming them and using them to create the program.

You will need to download visual express c# and then I will show you how to create a basic calculator to Add/Subtract/Multiply/Divide.